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Mark Twain Project Online is an ambitious undertaking, requiring ongoing work. In addition, financial and other crucial support has been instrumental in the development of the critical editions and this website—and will continue to be so.

Please support the Mark Twain Project Online.


The Bancroft Library of the University of California at Berkeley is the home of the Mark Twain Papers & Project. The Bancroft plays a vital role in housing the archive and has also provided financial support for Mark Twain Project Online.

The Mark Twain Foundation, a perpetual charitable trust located in New York City, possesses the publication rights to all of Mark Twain's writings unpublished at his death. It was created by a provision in his daughter Clara's will, which also stipulated that the income from the Foundation be used for, among other things, “enabling mankind to appreciate and enjoy the works of Mark Twain.” The Mark Twain Foundation has given UC Press and Mark Twain Project Online exclusive rights to publish copyright-protected writings by Mark Twain, both in print and electronically.

The National Endowment for the Humanities has supported the editorial work of the Mark Twain Project, without interruption, since 1967, and made generous funding grants for the development of Mark Twain Project Online.